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โ“ F.A.Q
F.A.Q Header

โ“ General Questions

๐Ÿ™Œ I am new! What should I do?

First of all, create your account (opens in a new tab) and, if you haven't installed the game yet, hop to our Download (opens in a new tab) page and follow the install instructions.

Check out Introduction to Ragnarok Online (opens in a new tab) if you're brand new to the game.

Otherwise, if you're already familiar to the game but starting on the server, check out the Getting Started (opens in a new tab) page, which will set you up with almost everything you need to know to start on EvolveRO.

โš ๏ธ I'm having errors when trying to play! / I'm lagging!

Our Troubleshooting page (opens in a new tab) contains most commonly-found errors and how to resolve them and the Lagging page can help you find your ping to the server, perform a trace route and diagnose the source of your lag.

๐Ÿ•น๏ธ General Gameplay

๐Ÿ”บ What is the max Level/Job Level/Stats/ASPD?

For more information about the server, visit the Server Information (opens in a new tab) page.

๐ŸŒŸ Where should I level?

Check out our Leveling Guide (opens in a new tab) for new players.

๐Ÿ’ผ Where is the Job Changer?

The Job Changer NPC and other convenience NPCs can be found inside the Main Office (opens in a new tab) building in Prontera, just a little to the left of the center of the town.

Main Office Prontera

There you can also find a plethora of convenience NPCs and item shops.

๐Ÿค” I can't decide which class to play, help!

While your class choice will vary heavily based on your playstyle, you can play the game confortably have fun with any class. Some popular choices for beginners are: Hunter, Priest, Blacksmith and Knight. Check out our Job Classes Guide (opens in a new tab) for more information.

โš”๏ธ What equipment should I use? / How to build my character?

Aside from asking players in-game or on the specific Discord (opens in a new tab) class channels, the wiki has a compilation of player-written guides in Class Guides (opens in a new tab). Players are constantly experimenting with both old and new equipment and discovering new interactions, meaning the best setup can change frequently. Some popular choices for beginners are: Hunter, Priest, Blacksmith and Knight.

๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ How much DEX do I need to reach instant cast?

In Pre-Renewal, you need (150 DEX) to eliminate Variable Cast Time (VCT).

โŒ How do I delete my character?

  • 1 Go to the Character Select screen. Select the character you want to delete and click the Delete button.
  • 2 The character will sit and a timestamp will appear above them (it should follow your computer's clock).
  • 3 If you're certain you will delete that character, let it sit for the 30 seconds duration. In the mean time, do not click Cancel, and do not log in with that character.
  • 4 After 30 seconds, you can click Del and you will be prompted to input the "deletion password," which is your account's email. You can view your account email by logging in the website.
  • 5 If you changed your mind and do not wish to delete that character, click Cancel. The timestamp will disappear and you will be able to log in with that character as usual.

โ” What is PC, R>, LF>, LFM>, LFP>, etc?

  • LF: Looking For
  • MH: Monster Hunter
  • WTB: Willing To Buy
  • OGH: Old Glast Heim
  • RGM: Recruiting Guild Members
  • LFM: Looking For Members. May be used to recruit party members.
  • PC: Price Check. You should do this in the #trade channel in-game.
  • R: Recruiting (may be used to recruit party members or guild members)
  • LFP: Looking For Party. May be used when you want to join parties. You should also state your Level.
  • DPS: Damage per Second. Generally refers to Champion, Biochemist and or Assassin Cross as they are usually the main damage dealers in most parties.
  • NONR: No Offer, No Reply. Generally means you should state your price when offering to buy or sell something, and try to haggle with the other person.
  • RTG: Ready to Go
  • This may indicate that the party will start the instance as soon as you join, or they are already inside the instance and you have to hurry and catch up to them. You have to beware of the second one, as some instances give you kill quest and hunting quest of a specific enemy that only appear at certain points of the instance, and you can only claim rewards if you are present when the party kills the enemy. For example, if an OGH party leader or member says their party is RTG, it's a good idea to ask if they're already inside and have killed Root of Corruption. If they've killed it then you won't be able to claim the rewards, and it'd be best for you to join another party.

๐Ÿ’ฐ How do I farm Zeny? Where should I go to farm Zeny?

The most common way to farm Zeny is by selling loot from monsters to NPC. Generally, farming is done after having leveled up a bit and have upgraded from starter gears, however there are some maps that allow you to achieve decent money making early in your journey. Below is a list of such maps, their recommended levels and some of the items you're looking for:

  • Payon Forest (pay_fild02): Levels 20+. All loot. Strawberry can be vended and sold to players for decent Zeny.
  • Gonryun Dungeon 1F (gon_dun01): Levels 70~99. Honey and Royal Jelly.
  • Magma Dungeon 2F (mag_dun02): Levels 80~99. All loot.
  • Rachel Sanctuary 1F - 3F (ra_san01,02,03): Level 90+. Bloody Runes, Witch Starsand and Prickly Fruit.
  • Juperos 1F (juperos_01): Levels 90+. All loot.
  • Geffenia (gefenia01,02,03,04): Level 90+. Diamond Ring, Gold Ring, Royal Jelly and Violins.

Using a Merchant for Overcharge and Discount will help you a lot in maximizing the zeny you obtain from selling loot to NPCs and also reducing costs of consumables. The same Merchant will also have access to the Vending skill, allowing you to sell any valuables you may find to other players in EvolveRO's Market (Prontera).

Overcharge Overcharge Skill Discount Discount Skill Vending Vending Skill

Using @autotrade (@at) while using Vending will log you out of the character, but keep your Vending Shop online. Keep in mind you won't be able to use another character on the same account while autotrading.

Some seemingly "trash" loot may still be useful, whether it's for a quest, for crafting and brewing, or used as skill catalysts. You can make a quick buck stocking up these materials and selling them to other players. You can use the @whobuys (@wb) command in-game to see if anyone is buying an item.

๐Ÿ›๏ธ What is and how do I open a buying shop?

Buying Shops can be opened by any character, check out the 2535.png Buying Store (opens in a new tab) page for more information.

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ How do I get X or Y equipment?

There are numerous equipment available in the game and various ways of obtaining them. You can check the majority of those on the Equipment Guides (opens in a new tab) page.

๐Ÿ“ Is there an item or monster database?

Through the @iteminfo (@ii or @ii2) and @mobinfo (@mi), you can access both item and monster information in-game. The EvolveRO Market (opens in a new tab) also has item descriptions, as well as market listings.

Other popular outside sources are:

Divine Pride (opens in a new tab): Provides a lot of general information and more about gears, cards, skills and monsters. Divine Pride is an independent, server-agnostic database, and not all information will apply directly to EvolveRO.

iRO Wiki (opens in a new tab): Although tailored for iRO, it can still provide quest guides and skill information for some legacy content.

๐Ÿ‘พ What is a homunculus? Why mine doesn't work?

Check out the Homunculus (opens in a new tab) page for everything related to Homunculus, including how to set up its AI and troubleshoot it.

๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ Common Player Questions

In all support request cases, please be truthful in all your correspondence with a Game Master. Hiding details will not only hinder resolving the issue, but may also result in punishment.

  • I accidentally dropped or sold the wrong items to NPC, can GM refund me? Yes, if the item was not picked up by another player. If you are not sure, please open a support ticket. Notice that we will only do this once, as we have protections in place against item dropping. Remember to keep all your valuables in your Favourites tab and lock it from NPC selling.

  • I lent my items and the player refuses to give them back. Can GM help me? If you have proof that the item was to be borrowed, you may open a player report for scamming. Note that your item will be deleted, as GMs will not refund or return any items lost due to player mistakes.

  • Someone logged onto my account and stole my gear. Can GM help me? No. Account sharing is not encouraged for a reason and what happens to your account is your responsibility. Please keep your passwords secure and change your passwords at regular intervals.

  • I missed a 0 when I set up my vending shop and sold my item under-priced, can I get a refund? No. GMs will not refund player-to-player vending transactions, as this would be unfair to the person who bought the item.

  • I accidentally refined or enchanted an item and it broke. Can GM refund me or roll back the item? No. We are unable to offer any support for item losses that transpired due to failed or incorrect refine and enchantment attempts.

  • I am stuck in an instance and can't use any skills. Help! Try relogging. If the problem still persists, please message a GM online.

  • I cannot add skill points to my character! Remove all your equipped items (including ones from the costume tab), and type @clearcostume to remove any costume effects. You should be able to add skill points after that.

  • I purchased Gem Points but did not receive them. Please submit a support ticket and [GM] Ancient will sort it out with you. Make sure to include the payment method, your email, date, and amount purchased in the ticket to speed up handling time.

  • I forgot my account ID, can you recover it for me? Submit a Support Ticket (opens in a new tab) on our Discord and we will send you the account ID to the email that is registered on the account. If you no longer have access to the email registered on the account or if the email is fake, you will not be able to recover the account ID.

  • I found a bug! Where do I report it? Please make a post in the Bug Report (opens in a new tab) section, with as many details as possible. If you are able to, include screenshots or recordings, and describe what was done to trigger the bug, what the expected behavior was, et cetera. Include as many details as possible.

  • I found a bot! Where do I report it? Report your findings privately to a GM in-game or Discord (opens in a new tab). Provide as many details as possible. You do not need to know a player name to report a suspect. At its simplest, a map name will do, however we will of course appreciate such details as a player name, class, or skills used.

  • Someone is harassing me and won't leave me alone! What can I do? If you find that one of our server rules was broken, please make a post in the player reports section of the Discord (opens in a new tab). Include screenshots or recordings and what the reported player was doing (e.g. scamming, griefing, using offensive language) will all help. As well, you may use /ex player to block them from messaging you.

๐Ÿšจ How to report rule breakers?

Please use the following section to provide us with better reports. Quite often, we cannot punish a player because we are lacking information.

  • Using the Replay Feature This is by far the easiest method to report offending players. While in-game, follow these steps to open the recording feature:

1. Click on the Replay button from the status bar. 1.png 2. Start the replay, give it a name and press Start. 2.png 3.png 3. When you are finished recording, press Stop. 4.png 4. Open your RO folder, go in the Replay folder and upload the file on the forum or send it directly to a GM if requested.

  • Take Screenshots Take as many screenshots as necessary and upload them on the forum. We recommend using Imgur (opens in a new tab) to host the images.

In your screenshots, please show us that you've tried to talk with the problematic players and attempted to solve the issue by yourself first.